Daily Habits that Heal

Transform your journey from betrayal to redemption.

“My commitment to finding healthy habits to implement into my daily life has helped me make more progress in my healing journey than anything else I’ve done.”

Healing from betrayal trauma isn't about taking huge leaps; it's about consistent, mindful steps forward. Each day, we have the opportunity to nurture our minds and spirits, guiding ourselves gently toward peace and wholeness. 

In my journey, I've found progress in simple yet powerful daily habits that heal. Journaling, praying, or simply taking a moment to breathe deeply have helped me make the most progress. 

I'm excited to offer my Daily Habits That Heal program. If you're ready to break free from what's holding you back and embrace a life of resilience and joy, keep scrolling, learn more, and let's start this journey together. 

Let’s do this together…

Schedule a free connection call to discuss your unique situation and how this program can support your healing journey.

If we’re a good fit, we will decide on a start date and find a consistent day each week to meet.

Over 12 weeks, we’ll have weekly virtual meetings to guide you through the program and integrate habits that nurture your healing journey with grace and integrity.

Your Options

Group Sessions

12-weeks $350

Individual Sessions

12-weeks $550

Don’t let betrayal trauma control your life; the pain and emotional turmoil will persist. You may find yourself constantly circling the drain of hurt emotions, unable to move forward. This can lead to further emotional distress, strained relationships, and a diminished sense of self-worth.

By embracing the Daily Habits That Heal program, you have the opportunity to transform your life. You’ll cultivate resilience, find joy in everyday moments, and build a stronger sense of self. These daily habits will help you break free from the past and embrace a future filled with hope and possibility.

Ready to take the first step toward healing and redemption? Click the button below to schedule your free connection call. Let’s start this journey together and celebrate every milestone along the way.

Join me in the Daily Habits That Heal program and discover the transformative power of mindful, consistent steps forward. Together, we can navigate the path to healing and create a life of resilience and joy.